Conversion of currencies
The steps of the conversion:
- Net price and exchange rate are multiplied.
- The result is rounded to two decimal places.
- To get the 'total net' price, the rounded number is multiplied by the quantity.
- The VAT is converted on the basis of the total net price (from point 3).
- The result is rounded to two decimal places.
- To get the total due > Total net price and VAT are summed.
An example:
Net price 27 USD
Quantity: 3
Exchange rate: 1USD=0.840054 EUR
VAT: 23%
27 USD x 0.840054 EUR = 22,681458 EUR
22,68 EUR
22,68 EUR x 3 = 68,04 EUR
68,04 EUR x 23% = 15,6492 EUR
15,65 EUR
68,04 EUR + 15,65 EUR = 83,69 EUR