Adding a vehicle and a driver in an order
In the details of the transport order, we can see the following fields:
- road/trailer - you must define vehicle data: registration number
- driver - add the driver's personal data
Both fields allow you to select an existing value or add a new one.
If there is no vehicle/driver on the list, then to add a new one after entering, use ENTER or select a hint from the list.
Each vehicle added to the database must have a type, e.g. truck, semi-truck, trailer, etc.
The entered registration number will be marked as the appropriate type according to the following guidelines:
The assigned vehicle type depends on the number of entered registration numbers:
- 1 number - truck,
- 2 numbers - the first as a semi-truck, the second as a trailer,
- 3 numbers or more - first as a truck, the next as a trailer.
When at least one of the entered registration numbers is already in the database, the others are assigned appropriate types. If the database already contains:
- truck - the others will be added as trailers,
- trailer - the first unknown added as a truck, the others as trailers.